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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Surprise! Kate Spade Edt.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, although how cool would that be, all opinions are my own. 

Kate Spade is having a surprise sale that ends tomorrow night.... and even though I begged and pleaded and made promises about clean houses and freshly prepared dinners for years to come (aka wedding vows) Roland won't give into my desire for another Kate Spade bag. With good reason, of course (which makes it sting even more). I did just get my first Kate Spade in October, AND a Michael Kors Hamilton for Christmas. So do I REALLY need a new handbag? YES No.... So instead I'm just going to pretend shop, all the things I would be buying today to take advantage of this sale, if money were no obstacle. Then you can take my opinions and shop for yourself and I will live vicariously through you!

You should know that I'm a black handbag girl. If it comes in black, chances are that's the color I'm going to purchase. I've seen people carrying light colored bags, and if you carry them often they get less and less white the longer you carry them. Even though I take care of my babies bags, it's REALLY hard and A LOT of upkeep to keep a white bag white.

But 3 black handbags is probably enough for now, so I'm trying to branch out.

Brighton Park Small Sloan in darkroast: Roland actually picked this one out, and I love it. It's my favorite. This bag is life guys. Look at that color. Look at that size. Look at the stripes! This is such a staple bag, and this brown makes me wish all my black bags were this color. To. Die. For. AND it wouldn't get dirty! The perfect non-black handbag.

Parker Street Allena in warm putty: Who's in charge of coming up with the names of these colors? I need to know, and they should probably be fired. "warm putty"? Gross. I'm obsessed with this color combo though. Generally, I don't like this style of bag (almost bowling bag-ish) but these colors change the whole look of it. Come home to me Allena, I have a spot for you. Side Note: This one wasn't part of the surprise sale, I found this one in the general sale section. You're welcome. #overachiever

Highland Place Travel Leslie in french navy: My loophole bag. I sent a picture of this to Roland and he said "it's black" I maturely responded with, "HAHA IT'S NOT BLACK IT'S NAVY! LOOPHOLE." You can also fit everything in this bag, including the kitchen sink. I like big bags and I cannot lie.

Claremont Drive Marcella in cashew: I have a love hate relationship with this bag. I love the style. It's not too tall, and the inside is large enough to fit a small country. But that color. is. so. yellow. It's not tan, but it's not yellow... it's in-between... and I don't think I can handle it on myself.

Union Square Carmen in black: I KNOW I KNOW. It's black. I'm aware! But I couldn't write a post about handbags and NOT add a black one. But you better believe if they had this in dark roast or french navy, it'd be mine.

Cedar Street Ombre Patent Leather in blue and Southport Avenue Stacy (wallet): Not in that order, obviously. If you're thinking "I'm just gonna skip this one because I have a wallet, I don't need a new wallet." You're wrong. You always could use another wallet. I was going to go into detail about how I switch my wallet's out when I change purses, but that's a lie. I hate switching my wallet... there's receipts and gum wrappers, and gift cards that you keep even though you can't remember if there's anything left on them.... BUT that doesn't mean you don't need more than one.. if you switch them out on a regular semi-regular basis they last you longer.. and you won't forced to buy one because your current wallet is falling apart so you end up buying one you don't like and it's just down hill from there.... Also, I love wallets that open up like these, I HATE having to dig into dark crevices looking for anything. That's just dangerous.

Which one is your favorite?
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